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When people think of "nature", they most often think of me. Those who live in highly urban or desert areas long for my presence when I'm not around. I remind people of the natural ways of things, the way our Earth used to be. I'm associated with environmental friendliness and a return to earthy roots. 

There are many different shades of me that people enjoy. Whether it's the light, gentle green of a grass field, or the deep, forest green of the wilderness, I can bring a sense of adventure, joy, and refreshment through my 

Other shades, like sage or light teal, bring a sense of serenity and peace, much like my close sibling Blue. I embody both the joy of Yellow and the calm of Blue that come together in my many shades. I can lean towards one or the other depending on my level of brightness and saturation.  

Some of my shades aren't as pleasant to people—usually when I don't remind them of nature. Shades like puke and neon green are repulsive or to the human eye. They can bring nausea rather than comfort. It's very careful to 

Where You Can Find Me

Forests and grassy lawns are usually the best places to look for me. I thrive in tropical or temperate environments, and often pair well with blues of the ocean or woodsy browns of trees. 


Shades of Green

Image courtesy of Ingrid Sundberg

Testimonies About Me

About grass green: "I don't like green paired with yellow. Reminds me of a football team."

About forest green: "Reminds me of my home, earthy and homey."

"It's the color of trees, grass, and adventure. It evokes wistfulness, a longing of home that can't be accomplished on this earth, and only heaven can grasp."

"It's both a reminder of the old ways, an ancientness of belonging, as well as a vision of a new earth, what it will and should be. I can see glimpses of it here when I see the color green."

About emerald green: "High-class, elegant, eye-catching."

About sage green: "It's calming."

About teal: "The color of the ocean is my favorite. The ocean's varying colors encompass all the shades of blue and green that I love."

"Makes me happy."

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